Category: Personal Injury

Tesla Accidents – The Dangers of Self Driving Cars

Jul 27, 2018

Technology has assuredly changed the world in which we live, and the Tesla automobile has played a big part in that. Tesla is the first in what is being touted as the future of automobiles with the installation of self-driving software that is [...]

What to do if you are Injured in a Multiple Car Crash

Jul 20, 2018

Being involved in any kind of car accident can be a very stressful experience. In the event of such an accident, it is important for you to take the necessary legal action by contacting a Brooklyn personal injury attorney. A skilled car accident [...]

Involved in a Brooklyn MTA Bus Crash? Can you be Compensated?

Jul 13, 2018

New York City residents who use public transportation regularly, expect a safe and relatively uneventful ride when they have to commute around the city. The MTA is actually an excellent option when you consider the world famous congested traffic of [...]

Injured in a Brooklyn Intersection?

Jul 06, 2018

Intersections can be dangerous places. People cross them all the time and probably do not think twice about the risk they are taking. In a recent accident, two children were tragically killed in a Brooklyn intersection, while several others were [...]

Pedestrian Accidents

Jun 18, 2018

New York is crowded, busy and can be a dangerous place for pedestrians. People are at risk of being struck every day, especially children and the elderly. If you or a loved one have been injured, you should contact a Brooklyn pedestrian accident [...]

What is Vehicular Liability? When should you call an attorney?

May 29, 2018

A car accident can cause you a great deal of injury and lead to major disruptions in your life. Even if the injuries you suffered are not life threatening, you might have to spend days or weeks in the hospital. You will then have to pay the expenses [...]

What Are The Time Limits For A Personal Injury Claim in New York?

May 25, 2018

There is a time limit for virtually all legal actions. These laws are known as a statute of limitations. Wait one day past the deadline and a case is lost forever. Personal injury claims in New York are no different. Brooklyn personal injury [...]

Leading Causes of New York Bicycle Accident

Apr 26, 2018

When people think about motor vehicle accidents, they generally only think about cars. However, sometimes it does not only involve cars but bicycles as well. People need to be careful when riding bicycles in areas where there are other types of [...]

Tractor-Trailer “No-Zones” Accidents

Apr 19, 2018

One of the things that scare people the most about driving is the chance of getting into an automobile accident. Though these are relatively rare, they do happen, especially when large vehicles such as tractor-trailer trucks are involved. Since [...]