Category: Family Law

Interstate Child Custody

Nov 19, 2018

When a couple with children divorces, one of the most complex issues is child custody. While this is a difficult issue when both parents live near one another, it becomes more complicated when one moves to another state. In these cases, numerous [...]

Does Adultery Affect my Alimony?

Oct 19, 2018

Adultery is a relatively common and it is often a factor in a married couple choosing to dissolve their partnership. Many view such indiscretions as a violation of their trust and an indication of a lack of respect their partner has for them and [...]

What the Court Looks at for Fault Divorces

Oct 12, 2018

There are two different types of divorce in New York. Those are fault and no-fault divorces. In a no-fault case, the petitioner need only allege that the parties have lived separated and apart for six months. Then, he or she must state that the [...]

Divorce Mediation: Not all the same

Sep 28, 2018

Divorce mediation processes almost always have some unique aspects the divorcing couple will want addressed and spelled out in succinct language. While there are always general issues that fall into certain categories, such as finances, parenting [...]

Pet Custody: Who gets the Dog?

Sep 17, 2018

Getting divorced is never simple, and things get far more complicated when pets are involved. Pet custody can be a little complicated in New York, so it is helpful to get some advice from a divorce attorney in Brooklyn. If you have a pet, here are a [...]

What Is A Collaborative Divorce? Is It Right For Me?

Aug 31, 2018

What is a Collaborative Divorce? Collaborative divorce is a process where both parties use negotiations and meditations to settle their divorce. It removes the fight and win element from divorce. The main goal of [...]

Social Media Don’ts During Divorce Process

Aug 17, 2018

Divorce is one of the most stressful changes that a person can endure. It's enough to make even the most level-headed person feel the need to vent. It's become increasingly common for people to vent on social media. However, any Brooklyn divorce [...]

How does a child’s age affect custody laws?

Jun 28, 2018

Age and Child Custody You have probably been told that once a child turns 13, they will automatically be able to decide who they are going to live with. Regardless of whether a child is 3 or 13, their wishes will be taken into consideration when [...]

Complications with Child Custody

Jun 25, 2018

Child custody cases are never easy. They are emotionally draining and often take years to settle. Consider the case of Friederwitzer Vs. Friederwitzer, a landmark case from the early 1980s that gave custody to the father, a rare outcome in those [...]