Fatal Construction Accident: Being Struck by an Object
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has designated being struck by an object as one of the four most common causes of fatalities on construction sites.
At the Levitsky Law Firm, our NY construction attorneys are available to represent construction workers who have been injured on the job along with the families of those who suffered the loss of a loved one in fatal construction accidents.
Common Causes of Fatal Struck By Accidents
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 51% of all fatal struck by construction site accidents are caused by motor vehicles that intrude into work zones. The majority of those fatalities were pedestrians who were working in the work zones. Construction crossing guards and equipment operators have the highest rate of struck by fatalities in the industry.
Liability for a Struck By Construction Accident Fatality
If the death of a construction worker who was killed in a struck by Brooklyn construction accident was caused by a co-employee, New York workers’ compensation law would be the surviving family’s sole and exclusive remedy. If it was caused by a third party, New York wrongful death law would apply.
Can the Surviving Family Bring Both Types of Cases?
Yes, the surviving family members can bring both types of cases at the same time, so long as the fatality was caused by a third party. A construction accident lawyer Brooklyn from the Levitsky Law Firm can advise you on how this might be done.
The NY construction injury attorneys at the Levitsky Law Firm are dedicated and compassionate wrongful death lawyers who work tirelessly to obtain successful results for surviving family members of construction accidents. If you lost a loved one in a construction accident that was caused by being struck by an object, the security and financial future of your family must be considered. Contact the Levitsky Law Firm for a free consultation and case review as soon as possible. We can talk about your family’s best interests and all of your legal options.