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What Not to Say in Child Custody Mediation
Child custody mediation allows parents to resolve disputes without going to court. It is intended to encourage cooperation and create a parenting [...]Latest Blog
How Long Does a Car Accident Trial Last?
When a car accident case goes to trial, the process can take several months to over a year, depending on the circumstances. Many factors influence [...]Latest Blog
Can I Lose My House Due to an At-Fault Car Accident?
Being found at fault in a car accident can have serious financial consequences, particularly if the damages exceed insurance coverage. In New York, [...]Latest Blog
Custody Rights for Fathers
In custody disputes, fathers often feel at a disadvantage due to lingering misconceptions about parental roles. New York law, however, ensures that [...]Winter Car Accident Maintenance
As temperatures drop and snow blankets the streets, winter presents unique challenges for drivers. Proper car maintenance becomes not just a recommendation but a necessity to ensure safety and reduce the risk of accidents during these harsh [...]
NY Domestic Partnership Separation
New York Domestic Partnership Separation refers to the process through which individuals who are registered as domestic partners in the state of New York dissolve their partnership. Domestic partnership, recognized in several jurisdictions, offers [...]
Hit and Run Accident Involving Cyclists
In bustling urban environments like Brooklyn, cycling is not just a mode of transportation but a way of life for many. However, this comes with its risks, especially in the form of hit and run accidents. These incidents, where a motorist collides [...]
What are Child Custody Access Agreements?
Child custody and access agreements are important strands in family law that represent the difficulties and solutions associated with reorganizing family relationships. These agreements are fundamentally legal understandings between parents about [...]
Hit and Run Accident Involving Children
The occurrence of hit and run accidents involving children stands as one of the most heart-wrenching realities in urban areas like Brooklyn. These incidents, where drivers flee the scene after striking a child, not only cause immediate physical harm [...]
Hit and Run Accident Involving Pedestrians
In the bustling streets of Brooklyn, pedestrian accidents are unfortunately common. Particularly alarming are hit and run incidents, where the driver flees the scene, leaving the victim without immediate help or a clear path to justice. These [...]
Multiple Car Accidents in Brooklyn: Who is Responsible?
Identifying liable parties in Brooklyn car accidents involves considering various factors and entities that could contribute to the occurrence and severity of the accident. Here is a list of potential parties who might be held responsible:[...]
Is NY a 50-50 custody state?
In the realm of divorce and child custody, a common question that arises is whether New York is a 50-50 custody state. This concept refers to an equal division of custody between both parents. Understanding New York's stance on this matter is [...]
What is the definition of an unstable parent?
The term "unstable parent" can have various interpretations, but generally, it refers to a parent who may struggle with providing a consistent, safe, and nurturing environment for their child. This could be due to various reasons such as mental [...]