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Custody Rights for Fathers

In custody disputes, fathers often feel at a disadvantage due to lingering misconceptions about parental roles. New York law, however, ensures that [...]

Who Has to Pay Child Support in Joint Custody?

Jan 28, 2025

Joint custody arrangements allow both parents to share responsibilities for their child, but this does not always mean that child support payments are unnecessary. In New York, child support is typically determined based on income, expenses, and the [...]

What Not to Say in Child Custody Mediation

Jan 21, 2025

Child custody mediation allows parents to resolve disputes without going to court. It is intended to encourage cooperation and create a parenting plan that serves the child's best interests. However, what is said during mediation can significantly [...]

How Long Does a Car Accident Trial Last?

Jan 14, 2025

When a car accident case goes to trial, the process can take several months to over a year, depending on the circumstances. Many factors influence the timeline, including the complexity of the case, court scheduling, and the willingness of both [...]

Can I Lose My House Due to an At-Fault Car Accident?

Jan 07, 2025

Being found at fault in a car accident can have serious financial consequences, particularly if the damages exceed insurance coverage. In New York, drivers are required to carry liability insurance, but if the costs of medical expenses, property [...]

Custody Rights for Fathers

Nov 29, 2024

In custody disputes, fathers often feel at a disadvantage due to lingering misconceptions about parental roles. New York law, however, ensures that both parents have equal rights when it comes to child custody. Courts prioritize the child’s best [...]

Can I Lose Custody for Not Having a Job?

Nov 27, 2024

In child custody disputes, many parents worry that being unemployed could lead to losing custody. However, in New York, the court’s primary concern is the best interests of the child rather than a parent’s employment status. At Levitsky Law Firm [...]

How to Prove a Parent Is Unfit

Nov 22, 2024

Establishing that a parent is unfit can be a challenging and emotionally charged process. In custody cases, New York courts prioritize the child’s best interests, which includes evaluating the fitness of each parent. Proving a parent is unfit [...]

Can you lose custody for child endangerment?

Nov 20, 2024

Child endangerment is a serious matter that can significantly impact custody arrangements. Courts in New York prioritize the safety and well-being of children, meaning any actions or behaviors that jeopardize a child’s welfare could result in [...]

How can a Dad get full custody?

Nov 15, 2024

Gaining full custody as a father in New York requires demonstrating to the court that it is in the child’s best interests to reside primarily with you. In custody cases, New York courts prioritize the child’s safety, stability, and emotional [...]