Potential Damages
Collectible damages following a pedestrian accident consist of compensation for medical bills and any lost wages for time away from work for victims. Damages could also be available for non-economic pain-and-suffering in the form of general damages, which is often the most valuable part of the accident injury settlement. This is also the part of a settlement where insurance companies tend to defend the strongest, and having an experienced personal injury lawyer in Brooklyn who understands the local court system can be the difference in better wholly compensated or receiving very little to settle the case.
What a Accident Lawyer Brooklyn Can Do
While the typical pedestrian who is injured in an unfortunate mishap is at a disadvantage when trying to handle their own injury claim, an experienced accident attorney can inspect all of the case evidence and even question witnesses when they think there is a potential for significant damages. Insurance companies always want to use only the official accident report, but a personal injury lawyer can evaluate the entire case through an independent investigation.
Never let an insurance company deny you compensation for injuries sustained as an innocent bystander. Studies show that injured victims receive up to three times what they do for an injury claim without an attorney. Always call an aggressive personal injury lawyer in Brooklyn to represent your case.